HYDRO JET is capable of cleaning frac tanks of varying shapes and sizes, production tanks, mud tanks, heater treaters, separators, and any other vessel with at least a 2" opening.
HYDRO JET is a solution to allow a faster turn around on putting your equipment back in service with less loss of production.
HYDRO JET allows zero confined space entry, reduces loss of production, reutilizes water, uses flameless technology, reduces cost by eliminating disposal and transportation costs, and neutralizes hazardous materials.
HYDRO JET is capable of cleaning railcars with a 2 step connection process. This allows for zero confined space entry, taking the human risk and error out of the safety equation. The system can separate residual product from the water used to clean allowing for reutilization of water with very little to no disposal.
HYDRO JET allows for railcars to stay in line and cleaned as to not allow cross contamination by introducing new product to ship. Railcars have to be cleaned before they are put back into service as well as when maintanance is needed.